(2003 Boston Crusaders Tenors L to R: Aaron Woodfin, Yours Truly, Thom “Tractor” Bureau, Brian Lange, Michael “Stu” Whitmore)
I recently “finished” this new website as a home for all my musical endeavors to live together in one place online, and I just couldn’t take the lack of content on the homepage anymore. So here we are.
It’s mid-May, and that means another school year is winding down while another drum corps season is gearing up. Summer is my favorite time of year– not because it’s hot, but because summer means backyard barbecues and fresh air and diesel fumes. Yes, diesel fumes. They say the sense of smell is closely associated with memory, and I can’t say I disagree– there’s nostalgia in them there diesel fumes. That smell always takes me back to 2003/2004: the red and black, the pain and the passion of my two seasons marching BAC. It takes me back to 2005/2006: touring with ECJ and the great Charley Poole, he with the Dunkin Donuts “Great One” (hot, never iced, despite the heat of the July sun beating down on the asphalt rehearsal “field”) and a cigarette, bent over, his ears level with the snareline, hyping those duple rolls in the percussion intro to “Caravan.”
All this nostalgia is tempting me to quote the last line of “Gatsby,” but I’ll spare you. Instead, I’ll just let you enjoy putzing around the site.